Thinking Parallel

A Blog on Parallel Programming and Concurrency by Michael Suess

Archive for the 'News' Category

News for Week 06/2007

It’s this time of the month again when I am posting stuff I found interesting. I thought this was the most boring part of my blog, but my colleagues have told me that they liked these newsposts a lot, so I am keeping them up. Of course, I am also interesting in hearing what you […]

News for Week 3/2007

Some more news that have caught my attention recently. As always, presented in no particular order and with no guarantee that they are even remotely new – all I am guaranteeing is that I had not seen these articles before and that I found them interesting. Your experience may of course vary :).

New Year’s Resolutions

I have just finished reading If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit by Brenda Ueland. Basically, I raced through it in two days (as fast as I can race when our little son demands some attention as well 🙂 ). With what I have learned from this book I would […]

News for Week 48

Once again, it is time for a short newscast. Notable this time is the fact, that more and more stuff seems to be written about multi-cores, threading and parallelism in general. It feels like people do start realizing that the concurrent era is here and that they need to improve their knowledge in this field. […]


I always like it, when my readers contact me directly. Thats why I have put up a whole page for that reason alone: to make it easy for you to get in touch with me, to share your thoughts and to tell me what you liked or where I have screwed up. Therefore, it was […]

Thoughts on “Valve goes Multicore”

A little while ago, an event was held by Valve Software, Inc. at their headquarters in Bellevue, Washington. If you don’t know Valve, it is the company behind the Source Engine, which powers Half Life 2. If you still don’t know what I am talking about, this short article is probably of no interest to […]

New and Shiny About-Page

I just wanted to make anyone interested aware that I have finally gotten around to updating my About-Page. It was in a sorry state before and now that I have refactored (sweet, this works for text just as well as for code ;)) and extended my introductory article into it, I am much happier. So […]

News for Weeks 43 and 44 / 2006

There were some interesting articles during the last two weeks, which I would like to share with you (also, I have to compensate for not posting for two whole weeks – my target rate is one post per week and I do want to make up for missing that target for the first time :roll:):

Interesting Articles this Week

Before I start, let me say a warm thank you to all the people who have read this blog over the past few month, have left their comments, dropped me encouraging notes or mentioned me in their blogs: I really appreciate your support, thank you! Getting back to the subject of this post, I have […]

Language Discussions

There have been various articles on the merits of different programming languages, both parallel and sequential, during the last week (notice how elegantly I have avoided the term language wars 😉 ): Joel has written about which (sequential) programming language to use for web-programming. He primarily compares Java and .NET, along with a little bit […]